(315) 468-3500 | 3644 Warners Rd. Syracuse NY 13209 office.cccsyracuse@gmail.com
Pastor Jennie Doane

Pastor Jennie Doane

Pastor and Faith Community Nurse

Jennie is a pastor and faith community nurse who joined Christ Community Church in February of 2023 as Associate Pastor. It feels a bit like being welcomed home because she grew up at “Emmanuel Church of the Nazarene” and on the Upstate District. She is about passionate about being the hands and feet of Jesus through meeting the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of the body and soul. She loves facilitating the growth of others towards Our Savior by providing opportunities for discipleship and service. She is skilled in systems organization, community assessment and outreach ministries. Ultimately, empowering the local church to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their community.

 She is a graduate of Eastern Nazarene College (’07 Biology) Case Western Reserve University (’10 & 13 Nursing). She has served at Valley Worship Center Church of the Nazarene in Syracuse, NY where she became passionate about community outreach and compassionate ministries. She continued to grow in pastoral ministry at Wollaston Church of the Nazarene between 2018-2022. She graduated from Nazarene Bible College (’22 MPP) and received her first District License in 2017 and was ordained as an elder in the Church of the Nazarene 2022. 

 Jennie has considered being a wife and mom the highest blessing and calling in her life. It is God who has called her and equipped her whole family and she considers this a partnership in ministry. She could not do this without the love and support of her husband, Tennyson. Her highest calling, joy and growth in grace is being “mom” to Adaleigh, Brooke, Shiloh, and Charles. She is thankful for  the faithfulness of God and continued growth in grace filled, God equipped life and ministry. 

 Hebrews 13:20-21: Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.