(315) 468-3500 | 3644 Warners Rd. Syracuse NY 13209 office.cccsyracuse@gmail.com
Pastor Jeff Rogers

Pastor Jeff Rogers

As the senior pastor of Christ Community Church, Jeff provides leadership, teaching, and direction for the church.  His life is largely defined by this statement: I am a follower of Jesus, husband, father, and pastor.

First, I am a follower of Jesus.  The greatest moment of my life was when I gave my life to Christ when I was 14 in the Church of the Nazarene in Williston, VT.  From that moment on, I was overwhelmed with the forgiveness of my sin, a new and captivating purpose, and great joy flowing from the security He provides in my soul.

Second, I am a husband to an amazing wife.  Since the day Kristine walked into a winter class at ENC back in 1994, she had my attention (it was the green eyes)!  We married in July of 1995 and God has given us strength to travel this road of life and ministry together through the ups and downs.

Third, I am the father to 5 amazing kids; three sons and two daughters. Each of them has a different personality and brings unique strengths into our family life!  For those of you who are dog lovers, I also have a lively yellow lab named Bruce, who has more energy than he knows what to do with!

Fourth, I am a pastor.  One of the great moments of my life was in 1992 while in my college dorm room.  I had been praying for God’s direction on my life and I sensed that He was calling me into full time ministry.  As a way of confirming this call, the Holy Spirit led me to 2 Timothy 4:1-5 where the Apostle Paul charges Timothy to “preach the Word”.  The passage resonates deeply in my heart to this day.  As a pastor, I feel so blessed to be able to invest in people’s lives with the life transforming message of Christ.