Our Community Preschool

Kara Thomson - Preschool Director
M-W-F (morning and afternoon): Pre-K
T-TH (morning and afternoon): 3 and 4 year old class
Mornings: 9am-11:30am
Afternoon: 12:30pm-3pm
Please call us with any questions!
We would love to hear from you!
315-329-9754 for more information.
Our Community Preschool Facebook
Website: Our Community Preschool
Listen to Us Sing!
This Little Light of Mine – Let it Shine!
Our Mission
Our mission is to foster a joy of learning and discovery that will last a lifetime. At Our Community Preschool, our goal is to help the children interact and get along socially with their peers. We help the children to develop language, pre-reading, pre-math and problem-solving skills. As we take advantage of teachable moments that happen every day, we want our students to love learning and know that they are loved by God.
Visitors are always welcome to our school. If there is anything you would like to know about our programs and curriculum, please get in touch!
OCP Frequently Asked Questions