(315) 468-3500 | 3644 Warners Rd. Syracuse NY 13209 office.cccsyracuse@gmail.com

Christ Community Church

Inspiring hope in our community through the love of Christ

Inspiring hope in our community through the love of Christ

Christ Community Church

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Whether you are a longtime churchgoer or brand new to church, we want your first experience at Christ Community Church to be encouraging and meaningful.  We work hard to provide a friendly and comfortable place for people from all walks of life to worship, grow, and serve.  Upon your arrival, friendly Greeters will welcome you and point you in the right direction and answer any questions you may have.

E.P.I.C. Student Ministries

E.P.I.C. Student Ministries is the youth ministry of Christ Community Church of the Nazarene.
All 6th – 12th graders are welcome!
We meet:
Sunday Night Youth Group 6:00 – 8:00 PM

Pastor Jeff Rogers & Family

Childrens Corner

E.P.I.C. Youth Ministries

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